Monday, December 18, 2017

A Teeny But Impressively Organized Studio Apartment — House Call

“When I decided I was ready to live on my own after years of living with roommates, I needed a place where I could continue to have dinner parties and space for guests to feel comfortable — but finding that at an affordable price point in San Franciso is challenging,” writes Chelsea Drenick. “I work as a structural engineer, and have an eye for space planning, and decided to hunt for a studio apartment where I could make a real separation between a sleeping space and an entertaining space. When I saw this place, measured the closet, and determined my bed could fit in it, I knew it was perfect. Even though I live in a studio, I can have several friends over without them ever feeling like they are in my bedroom, and my small couch pulls out into a bed so I can even host an overnight guest.”


from waaaay over here —> A Teeny But Impressively Organized Studio Apartment — House Call

from Sofia Consola
via A Teeny But Impressively Organized Studio Apartment — House Call