Tuesday, December 19, 2017

​Use the 10-10-10 Rule to Decide How and Where to Spend Your Time

Try as we might to compartmentalize our time and be fully present in each of our life roles, in our increasingly fluid world, overlaps happen. And multi-tasking doesn’t work when you have to choose between physically being in two places at once or spending your time on one thing to the exclusion of another. When juggling career, home life, social obligations, and parenting, there’s a helpful perspective that untangles the mental turmoil of being torn in various directions and sets you, assuredly, down the road that makes “all the difference.”


from https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/use-the-10-10-10-rule-to-decide-how-and-where-to-spend-your-time-253703
from waaaay over here —> ​Use the 10-10-10 Rule to Decide How and Where to Spend Your Time

from Sofia Consola
via ​Use the 10-10-10 Rule to Decide How and Where to Spend Your Time